Britta Schöffmann is a horse trainer with all her heart. Everyone who sees her teaching, whether live and in person, or on our instructional videos, feels that. We want to show you just how much educational material with the dressage trainer can be found on the wehorse platform. Because… there’s a lot! But beware: The side effect could be that after just a few videos you’ll want to go into the stable to swing into the saddle and try it yourself!
What is Riding Well Explained?
“Riding well explained” is the title of a horse training series with Britta Schöffmann. The idea behind it: making lessons understandable. For example, several courses are dedicated solely to the subject of lateral work. Or in great detail on the subject of suppleness through flexion and bend.

For example, the lesson on the shoulder-in is explained in detail in the course Riding Well Explained: Lateral Movements From Shoulder Fore to Half Pass. Britta explains to her student exactly how the lesson is prepared. It is nice to see how the exercise process is designed exactly in the classroom. “Ride corners, pick up momentum in between, soft inner hand,” these are buzzwords that you can hear in the course. If something doesn’t quite work out during the ride, there is no cut in the camera work, instead, the complete solution is shown at that moment. “Don’t confuse diligence with haste!” Britta explains to her pupil, even if the horse is only six years old, “he shouldn’t rush through it!”

What makes this course series stand out?
It is always nice to see how good the gymnastic work is for the horse. The shoulder-in sequence also shows what can happen when learning and how to counteract it. The horse in the video should demonstrate shoulder-in on the circle at a trot. But at first, the rider doesn’t bring in the shoulder but pushes out the croup. Britta shows the rider how it should be done by riding a horse herself. Then follows a more precise preparation of the exercise: Shoulder-in on the long side, and as a rider, always be aware that the hind legs go straight out. Ride through the corners more consciously, voltes, where the rider makes sure to really bend the horse around the inner thigh. It is reminiscent of the soft inner hand.
The videos are particularly valuable because the viewer is following along in the ring in real-time. Not for a long time – but until a problem is fixed and a solution is found. The trainer always has very different horses in her lessons – from the talented six-year-old sport horse to the former broodmare and more. She doesn’t know any breed discrimination, and animal protection is very important to her. By the way, this is also a motivation for her – to help horses by making them ride better.

The background of Britta Schöffmann
“I’m grateful that over the years I’ve had the opportunity to learn from some great horse people like Fritz Tempelmann, Willi Schultheis, Harry Boldt, Jean Bemelmans and later also Klaus Balkenhol. And I am grateful to the horses for always giving me everything they were capable of.”
– Dr. Britta Schöffmann
She received the Golden Riding Badge in her early 20s, and her first Grand Prix successes followed a few years later with her self-trained stallion Vivance. Britta Schöffmann works as a journalist and author, and she has always trained horses and riders on the side, sometimes mainly.
Curious to learn more and try her courses out for yourself? Then check out our website for topics on rider‘s aids, rider’s seat, and dressage.