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Basic Knowledge

For All His Grace: Horse Movement & His Unique Gaits

The horse has helped man fight in battle. He has allowed man to travel vast distances. He has plowed our fields and raised our young, and in all this, he has shared with us his uncanny precision of grace, of movement.

Problem Horses

Help! My Horse Keeps Bucking

A horse bucking because he feels good is one thing but bucking under saddle is another, ranging from fairly harmless little bunny hops to terrifying bronc shows.

Basic Knowledge

Success is Just Around the Bend: Tips for Developing the Bending Dressage Horse

Flexibility. It’s one of our most important traits. Life is all about flexibility. Whether it’s preparing for a last-minute meeting, dealing with a change in plans for your dinner date, or simply embracing a spontaneous moment during this great adventure we call life, everyone needs to be flexible. Everyone needs to have a little bend. So do horses; especially in the complex arena of the world of dressage.

Basic Knowledge

Preparing the Endurance Horse: Two Minds; One Vision

Nothing in life illustrates the human condition more profoundly than a person’s resilience—an individual’s ability to overcome the adversity they meet over the course of their life with grace; with fortitude.