Bitless bridle – Hackamore, Side pull, Bosal, and more
More and more riders have been switching to a bitless bridle. When used correctly, precise aids can be given without a bit, allowing difficult exercises
More and more riders have been switching to a bitless bridle. When used correctly, precise aids can be given without a bit, allowing difficult exercises
Choosing the right tack for your horse is just as important as a regular dentist and farrier checkups because a non-fitting saddle or bridle can cause much damage to the horse.
Are bandages or riding boots better to protect our horse’s legs? Or perhaps it would be healthier not to use them at all?
With so many different kinds, how do you go about choosing a saddle pad that’s right for you? Master Saddler Tom Büttner in Dresden can tell you what to look for when choosing a saddle pad.
A well-fitting saddle is worth its weight in gold! Unfortunately, the search for the right saddle is a topic that drives many riders to despair.